Sunday, January 24, 2010

Hello and Happy New Year,

I have been very busy for the past two years, which is why I have not written. I thought I should write something to let you know that I'm still alive and doing well. I am presently getting ready for a science fair at school and I will write more about that later. Until then, please enjoy this short video of part of my violin graduation recital. I am also part of the orchestra and I love it. By the way, in this video you will not see (except accidentally) my face because my mother is paranoid and doesn't want me to be seen in the internet universe ( even though it is my eyeball that greets you on this site!) sorry the video is unavailable


Red said...

Hey Ray Ray,

I would love to watch the video, but it has not loaded. Did you call JJ (your MOTHER) paranoid. I can almost hear her giggling right now.

It is great to see you on your blog, so I do look forward to getting to see the blur that is you playing the violin soon.


deedle said...

The violin thing took so long to upload onto the unfinished post, we had to stop it. I am the one filming, and there is only a part of the number on there because there was a man in front of me that kept moving his head in front of the camera.


Pierre said...

Can you just record the sound of you playing and put that on the blog? That would be easier to load and less stressful for JJ. Let's hear a concert!!!