Sunday, March 21, 2010

Down the bowling ally

I know that I did not wright about the science fair, but instead I will tell you about my amazing victory at bowling! A week or two ago, mom, dad, Pascale and I went bowling. It happened to be Disco bowling so the room was dark and there was a disco ball and a light that changed colors! The first round, I came in about second place (Pascale won) all though I got a strike! The next round I got three saves in a row and I won with 101 points. I also got highest points of both rounds!

1 comment:

Grünschnabel said...

Salut Ray Ray,

J'ai aimé ton message du Nouvel An (2010) et ton résumé précis du voyage en canoë de 2009. En fait, j'aihâte de lire celui de 2010!

A bientôt!