There must have bin a about a foot of snow yesterday, I played outside all day.
Their was no buss this morning so I stayed home. My sister and I built two fort's, one of thewe built with dad it's not finished wet!
Is it too much too ask, for a bit of snow,I don't hope so! The first BIG snow fall was to day!!! I simply love the first BIG SNOW, it's F.A.N.T.A.S.T.I.C. ALL YOU COULD WISH FOR!!!!!!!!!!! THE HOLE WINTER IT THERE, but there is more too winter like sighing and hot chocolate. Christmas too. I hope Santa comes this year, his almost the best part of Christmas Holiday! I can not waite too decorate are tree wit a hot chocolate beside me!Se you later!!
School has finally started! It's going well. I have twenty students in my class and I have theteacher I was hoping for. My aunt and uncle are teaching in Turkey. I hope to go see them soon. My house is still under construction and very dusty. We went to Buffalo a couple of weekends agoand I had lots of fun swimming in the pool. I fell off the bed and I got a black eye and scared mymom and dad. I'm OK now! Check my Library Thing for a book that I just finished. It was a great adventure.
A lot is happening with the construction, workers everywhere. Happily the music isn't too loud. The workers chear when good music comes on.
I can not believe that it is almost school!!! I have so much to do, even so I am excited.